Newest Listings - 1 | Advertising - 2 | Auto parts - Bicycles - Books -3 | Business Opportunities - 4 | Chiropractor, Computers - 5 | E-Books - Equipment Rental - 6 | - 7 | Financial Services -8 | Gambling - Lottery -9 | Golf, Golf equipment, courses, vacations - 10 | - 11 | - 12 | Health & Home Decorating - 13 | Income Opportunities - 14 | Jewelry - 15 | Landscaping - 16 | Motorcycles - 17 | Real Estate - 18 | Sports -19 | Telephone Services - 20 | Website design - 21 | Buy it Wholesale - 22 | ________________________________________________________________________________________________ | >>SAFE-T-TAG Dealer<< | - | SAFE-T-TAG Lifetime I.D. Tags | Reprint Rights -177 Reports | STUF 4 SALE - FREE CLASSIFIEDS | - FLEA MARKET - | LOW COST Legal Help | Pay | - Leads for Your Business - | > Own A Business < | An OAK finish for YOUR STEEL DOOR | -
> Own A Business <

Rob Bachman
P.O. Box 115
Waymart, Pa 18472-0115
My name is Rob Bachman.
Would you be interested in a business that has integrity and can provide a residual income for the rest of your life?  A business that can be willed to a family member or sold in the future.
Interested if I told you all you would have to do is advertise to people that want to own their own business and then mail them some information?
You won't have to attend meetings.  You won't have to carry an inventory, buy or store products.
You can work when you want.  Your the boss.
NO ONE will ever make you buy anything more - ever!
Our respected company has been in business since 1972.
Can you afford a one time (1 time) start up cost of $65.00 plus $4.00 for an ad kit?
If you would like more information - with NO obligation, send two stamps to: OWN A BUSINESS-ppl, P.O. Box 115 Waymart,Pa.18472-0115.
Think about joining us in this respected and profitable business venture.
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter.
Yours truly,
Rob Bachman 
P.S. This is a very simple, easy and proven business.  The company is listed on the American stock exchange.  It works!

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Copyright 2002 Bachman Publishing Co.