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Income Opportunities 

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I'm working with the company, Signature Stars.
They have been in
Sports Memorabilia Industry for 17 years as wholesalers to large retail establishments like
Wal-Mart K-Mart, QVC and the Home Shopping Network.

With the high demand for Sports and Sports Memorabilia; they are
shifting their focus form a Wholesale to Retail market and have set up an
Affiliate program to get it done. 

I have the ability to give you a Free Online Sports Memorabilia Store
and anyone that buys form your site, they pay you a commission.

Does this interest you?

You need to go to:  
put in your information.
It's totally FREE - NO strings attached!
You won't be sorry.
Thanks and - your welcome!
Rob Bachman Edit
Great for back-end sales!!!
Click: >>Safe-T-Tag Dealer<< on top of this page.
This is a big 10X15 size tabloid!  Each issue brings you articles,  current promotions and new money making ideas.  Sample copy sent by first class mail.  Send $1.00 to:
Box 624   Dodge Center, MN 55927-0624
Work from Home
and Earn Extra Income
The support system is tremendous
and there is always an answer to any question.
All you need to get started is a computer!
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See - Business Opportunities - above - too!